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"A Circle of Angels" 2024 Special Edition Christmas Angel
"A Circle of Angels" 2024 Special Edition Christmas Angel
"A Circle of Angels" 2024 Special Edition Christmas Angel

"A Circle of Angels" 2024 Special Edition Christmas Angel


Our 2024 Special Edition Circle of Angels Christmas Angel is now available for pre-order! 

This ornament is the 9th in our annual series and as always, they are a limited edition (only 75 will be made). These precious little ornaments will be ready for pick up/shipping in early December but we encourage everyone to place their pre-order early as quantities are limited.

This year's design has been given the name... "The Peace Angel" and as most of our angels do, this one has a special meaning that inspired it.

There are times in our lives when everything get's turned upside down. We all know loss and grief from our own journeys and this is the very underlying reason for The Circle of Angels to exist. To remind us all that we aren't alone... that the dark days will come, but there is always love and light in this world, and we can be that love and light for others - especially when they are sitting in the thick of the hard times. We need each other. We are stronger together. 

This angel... It's a colourful rainbow. The gift of the storm. Peace. The angel is gold, head to toe and features a shiny golden heart. This is a nod to the concept of Kintsugi (a Japanese art form where gold is used to repair what is broken, thereby creating more value in the repaired piece than what it held in it's original form). 

It is the ultimate combination of love and light and it is designed to serve as a reminder that no matter how dark the skies are above you now - the clouds WILL part. The sun WILL shine through. The bigger plan that is unfolding for your higher purpose WILL reveal itself. It's an angel infused with love, hope, and healing and we hope you'll feel all of that when you see it decorating your tree or hanging in your window as a sun catcher.

This design is made with Japanese Miyuki glass beads encircling an all-gold Austrian crystal angel with a puffed golden heart charm. Each ornament will be tucked away inside a pretty organza gift bag, ready to give or ready to keep.

Ornament measures approx. 3" x 3".

Proceeds will be donated to the three charities that we support: The Alberta Cancer Foundation, The Lupus Society of Alberta, and The Angels Anonymous Connection.